I'm trying to take this one step at a time
Cause' each step feels like five behind
I don't know why
But should I even try?
Your ways are so much higher than mine
I trust You with my life
Yet it's not a surprise that I still have questions
I'm just a child
Trying to do my best in my temporary world
Jogging steadily on this course
On this race you've set of before me
Customized to fit me perfectly
Though that's not always how it seems
When ahead I see turns and curves and uncertainty
When the going gets tough
And the road becomes rough
Covered with pot holes and bumps
Sometimes I've just had enough
And I need Your grace to pick me up
I feel like You've shaken me in every which way
My world like a snow globe in Your hands that You've made
The climate of my race feels a lot like today
I look up and all I see is haze
As I sit in my snow globe world and wait
For the pieces to descend and fade
Falling exactly where You say
I look around at the leaves in the middle of change
As You rearrange for a new season
You do everything with purpose and reason
You never leave the scraps of what's happened to me on the floor
But You perform a miracle
And the scraps become a tapestry
An empty canvas for You to freehand Your plan
You use the shades and the haze
The times where I don't understand
And against the colors the shades make sense
So I will wait...