Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is Beauty

Girls, this one is for you! This one may be hard to read. It's pretty raw and deep! But don't act like you don't go through it too...we're all the same! Read it and remember, you are beautiful!

This is "beauty"
Hanging in the racks of our stores
Screaming that you need more and more
To be the girl this world excepts
Though next week it will change
It's all the same
"You'll never be good enough" they say
This is fame
So you'd better play the game

This is "beauty"
See the mass of girls we've fascinated with our ways
Don't they look great?
With hazed faces they all parade
To a fake place of acceptance and praise
How quickly is fades
Attentive to the swaying opinions and needs
A poisoned mentality that constantly repeats
"What can I do for everyone else around me?"
As dignity breathes no more
Beauty has become nothing more than a chore
How could we say that this is what God created us for?
Have we allowed the enemy to distort it's true meaning?
I have the feeling we have got it all wrong...
Because you see
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting
And it seems we've been beating ourselves up for both
When a King longs to clothe us with true beauty
Pleading with us to stop feeding of the lies
To take of the disguise and look into the eyes of Him
Who loves us with passion

This is beauty...
To be in the arms of a Savior
Who favors us
Whose love does not waver or rust
It is enough
He gives to us what we didn't know we needed
And he heeded every cry in the night
When we tried to be what we couldn't
When we became what we said we wouldn't
When the fight sucked the life out of us
He says that's enough
He melts the tough hearts and every part that's cold
He molds and holds
Restores and brings forth
Frees and believes in us
To be the masterpieces He created us to be
We are daughters of the King
Clothed in royalty and free
I hope you can see...

For, THIS is beauty.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30


  1. kenz..
    I love you.
    This is so stunning.
    Thank you for being so transparent and allowing the Lord to create a masterpiece of a ministry out of the secret places of your heart.

  2. She opens her hands to the poor, and reaches out to the needy. She is clothed in strength & dignity. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and kindness is on her tongue.
    You are a blessing to all that know you, & his beauty is revealed in your life. Stay beautiful.
